Women — Holding Hope

Thanks for checking out my page! I am accepting new clients. However, at this time, I am only providing telehealth.

If you want to try telehealth, please reach out on our contact page.

I can accept new clients who reside in Illinois and West Virginia.


As a woman – it sometimes seems as if everyone else has it all together and you are struggling to just get through the day.  Counseling can help you realize that life isn’t only struggle.  Counseling can help you embrace who you are and gain confidence to make the choices that are the best for you.

Therapy can help you heal both old and new hurts.  Therapy can help you center yourself and enjoy life.  Therapy can even be thought of as a preventative measure.  Just like you go to the dentist for a cleaning every six months to keep your teeth health, you can use counseling to keep you spirit healthy.  



If you see yourself in any of the scenarios below – Counseling may be helpful.

  • Are you in your twenties and having a “quarter-life” crisis. Maybe you did well in school and found out that didn’t lead you where you thought you would go. Maybe jobs and relationships aren’t what you were expecting. Are you asking yourself “what now?”

  • Are you in your thirties and still not feeling completely grown up? Maybe you have a new baby and need help figuring out your new normal. Maybe you are single and looking for a partner. Does it feel like there should be more?

  • Are you in your forties and wonder why you aren’t happier? You are grateful for what you have and you are mostly happy but it feels like something is missing.

  • Are you in your fifties or sixties or older? You are still struggling with life transitions and relationships. Are you wondering how are you supposed to live your life now?

  • Whatever age you are – you may still be trying to figure it all out and live your best, most whole life.

It may seem apparent, but as a woman you have different responsibilities and pressures than the men in your life.   Who are you?  How would you answer that question?  The obvious answers might be woman, mom, wife, partner, friend, daughter, family or your career.   Those answers may be true and may even be what means the most to you but your roles are not all you are.   You are so much more.  You are worthy of happiness and love.  Therapy may be able to help you work it all out.


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